10th URA International Research Seminar

Date: 2018/01/10

Dr. Jean-Louis Hodeau from NEEL Institute (Grenoble – France) hosted by Okayama University in January 2018


Dr.Hodeau gave a lecture.

Dr. Jean-Louis Hodeau from NEEL Institute/CNRS at Grenoble University visited Okayama University from Friday 5th to Tuesday 9th January 2018. Dr. Hodeau is a prominent international scientist in the field of Crystallography and a member of IUCr (International Union of Cristallography). He was invited by the Global Science Campus Okayama (GSCO) program which is supported by the Japan Science and Technology agency.


Participants of the seminar

At Okayama University, on Friday 5th, within the series of the URA International Seminars of Okayama University, Dr. Hodeau gave a talk to a large audience, titled “Understanding the beauty of crystals: a borderless review over the ages and the importance of exchanges on the progress of knowledge”. The talk was enthusiastically received and the audience asked Dr. Hodeau many relevant questions concerning crystals and their place in modern society.(Click here for the 10th URA International Seminar's program )

In addition, on Sunday 7th, Dr. JL Hodeau gave a lecture at (SCI-PIA – サイピア), a science centre in Okayama city, to 30 GSCO high-school students titled “A cross-field perspective on Symmetry & Crystal to introduce the beauty of Crystals”. The young audience was fascinated by the symmetry features of crystals and Dr. Hodeau’s videos of deep plunges into microscopic matter, from macro-scale down to atoms

The final turn of Dr. Hodeau’s visit to Okayama was the first display in Japan of the internationally renowned mobile exhibit “Journey into Crystals” which has been curated by Dr. Hodeau.

Senior URA, Okayama University / Director of Research(CNRS)