9th URA International Research Seminar

Date: 2017/11/25

Professor Mirijam ZOBEL from Bayreuth University – Germany – visited Japanese research Institutions in November-2017.


In the course of her stay she participated as an invited speaker in the International Conference on “TeraHz Microscopies and Current trends in Optical and X-Ray Metrologies” held in Okayama from Nov-19 to 24th.

On November 17th 2017, Professor M. ZOBEL from Bayreuth University gave a talk at Okayama University. This talk was given in the series of the prestigious seminars proposed at Okayama University : talks are given by prominent scientists playing major roles in their field.
The 9th Seminar was co-organised by the URA Division and the the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology.DSC07924.JPG

click here: 9th URA International Seminar (Pr.Zobel).pdf

Senior URA, Okayama University / Director of Research(CNRS)